Please contact Josie to set up camper financial assistance, if you have questions about offered camp sessions, registration, or general camp information.
Church Discounts
Help your familes get to camp!
If your church would like to provide financial support to families and help get them to camp, we can set up a code for your church that allows BSCC to bill the church at the end of the camp season. The codes deduct the decided upon amount from the camper's total and moves it to the church. Please contact Josie (josie@butlersprings.com) to get your code set up.
Churches can choose a solid percentage discount (i.e. 50%) or a defined amount discount (i.e. $100). If your church wants a defined percentage discount but does not want to exceed a specific dollar amount (i.e. 50% up to $100), you will more than likely get two codes, it is the church’s responsibility to make sure their students/families knows which one to use.
We do not give codes out to families. The church should share that information as they see fit.
At the conclusion of summer camp, generally around the first of August, we will send out an invoice to the churches with a balance owed and a list of campers who used the discount code for that church. We will ask for payment of that invoice by October 1st.
If at any time you would like to find out the invoice or students’ names during registration or the summer, feel free to call or email camp to get the list.
It is the responsibility of the church to make sure that their students are the only ones using the church discount. We cannot be responsible for someone using the church discount that doesn’t have permission, so please contact the camp on a regular basis to access a camp roster of your students using the discount code if that is an issue for your church.
If you would like to send a group of campers to a particular camp session, you are welcome! You do not have to be a supporting church or meet any requirements to do so. If you have questions about any of our offered sessions, please let us know. We can recommend the camp we think would be the best fit for your group.
Registrations are taken indiviually on a first-come first-serve basis. If you are looking to send campers to a session, make sure they get registered before the session fills up. We DO NOT reserve beds for churches.
You are also more than welcome to send adult leaders with your campers as well. We recommend this for groups larger than 10. Having a leader from the church helps campers and parents feel more comfortable. Please contact camp about your group leaders. We will put you in contact with that camp's dean to make sure you get all the information you need for the session.
All volunteers and leaders must also register. The dean of your session will send this inforamtion to you. (It is a different link than the camper registration.) Everyone must give references, agree to our statement of faith and code of conduct, and complete training materials. Anyone 18 and older MUST complete a background check as well. All of this must be completed BEFORE arriving at camp to serve.
Your church volunteers or leaders should realize that while we will put their campers with them, they might also have other campers in their groups or rooms not from their church. To be a part of our camps, leaders need to be okay with serving the other campers as well. If you have requests for certian leaders to be with certian campers please let camp know ahead of time.
Groups and Volunteers
Food Shower
Thank you for blessing camp!
Each year, our supporting churches particpate in a "Food Shower". They donate thousands of dollars worth of food items that help us make it through the summer. We mail out that information to participating churches. If you have any questions about your church's paricipation this year, please contact camp.
But, we often have other churches or groups ask how they can help camp through the summer. Collecting these items to give is always a blessing to BSCC. We use every bit of these donations.
Salad dressings
Cake mixes
Brownie mixes
Lemonade mixes