Christian Programming
No matter the topic or theme of your selected session, each camp is faith-based. All the activites camper do, the things they learn, and the places they go are meant to develop deeper relationships with Christ. It is our prayer that every camper leaves camp changed.
Camp should be fun! We offer lots of activities for all campers. If a camper is adventerous, they will be able to zip-line and climb the rock wall. If a camper is an outdoor lover, they will have plenty of chances to play in the creek or explore campus. Campers will meet new people and build friendships that can last a life-time.
We believe that your child's safety is the most important thing you are trusting us with. All of our activites are inspected and run by qualified instructors. All volunteers go through reference checks and adult volunteers are background checked before arriving on campus. Our staff are first-aid, CPR, lifeguard, and Serve-Safe certified. There are security cameras on campus as well.
Daily Routine
Each session has a little bit of a different structure, but there are some things that are generally the same from camp to camp.
Each day begins with prayer and breakfast. After breakfast is generally worship and devotional time. The next few hours are for group specific activities, in a main camp session that might look like breaking out into workshops until lunchtime. After lunch is when campers will have the chance to swim, play camp games, and do the challenge course activites. After dinner, there will be more time for worship, lessons, campfires, games, and camp specific programming.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
At drop-off, camp staff will confirm that each camper is paid for and participation waivers have been completed. You will be assigned to your dorm at this time as well. If your camper has and medications, this will be the time to check them in with our first-aid staff. Parents will be able to go with campers staying on main camp to help them set up their bunks. Once beds are made, camp begins!
When it is time to pick up your camper, you will be directed to that camp's location where you will be able to check them out. Your camper's belongings will be at a designated location for families to grab after checking their camper out. There will be a medical tent for medication pick-up as well. Campers must be checked-out before leaving.
Parents/guardians do not have to be the person to drop-off or pick-up. Please make camp staff aware of who has permission to pick-up your camper. You can do this during the registration process or by contacting camp ahead of time. If the person picking up your camper is not listed as a "pick-up person", we will call the parents/guardians listed for that camper.

Get in Touch
Let us know if you have any questions!