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Teens-In-Training is a program for campers 14 and up to volunteer at camp on the housekeeping, kitchen, or grounds crew, and earn credit toward your week of camp!

How does it work?

This program is designed for teenagers to get a better understanding of how Butler Springs Christian Camp operates, providing for, and helping with the daily schedules of camp life. The TNT volunteers will work closely with the summer staff and full time staff. If you are interested in TNT, click the button above and fill out the Google form with all of your information. Once you are accepted, you will receive an email letting you know when you are working and what to expect when you are at BSCC as a TNT Volunteer.


Campers/families will be responsible for a minimum of $100 of their camper fees. If you are a TNT for two weeks, you can earn up to a $170 scholarship for your week of camp. If you decide to volunteer only one week, you can earn a $85 scholarship for your week of camp. 




Can I be a camper before I complete my TNT commitment?

Yes, you can attend camp as a camper and then volunteer through our TNT program later in the summer. Just know that if you come to camp and then decide not to follow through with your TNT commitment, your cost of camp will be adjusted accordingly.

Where will I stay?
What will my responsibilities be?

This will vary depending on the area of work you prefer (grounds, kitchen, housekeeping). In general, you will be helping the summer staff complete their daily tasks. You are expected to jump in and assist where needed even if it is not your "designated" area. 


All TNT volunteers, like our summer staff, are expected to have a positive attitude, work hard, and do memory work. If any issues arise, or if your "end of the bargain" is not being up help, then we will send people home and you will have an adjust price for your week of camp.

TNT volunteers will be staying in the staff lodge with our summer staff (the newest building on campus). Summer staff and TNT volunteers, live, work, and eat together. It is a great way to build friendships and learn about camp ministry!


If you have any questions about the TNT program, please contact Josie (, or call the office at (937)588-2205.

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